Thursday, November 6, 2014

Final Episode

I am writing this as I am watching. God. This is not starting out good. A year later? Are you freaking kidding me? Where is the producers shame? How can you do this to me? Although on the plus side, I got to see Rain angryish instead of crying and the perfect Se Na is the one who screwed up. And screw up she did. Holy Crap! How stupid can you be to do that? YEEESH this show makes me so mad and I swear everything better work out or I am gonna get sooooo mad.
Aww Blondie is adorable. I love him, and that he has gotten over her. I don't think Rain was really that harsh, I mean she fell off of the face of the earth for a year.
Oh my Gersh. He wrote a freaking song for her. That is sooooo sweet. Why can't she just stay already? They are making me really nervous. This is nerve wracking yeesh. That pen thing was pretty smart haha. Grrrrreat timing dad, you stupid butthole. I really do not like you at all!!!! GRRRRRRR!!!!!! Why can't they just be together for goodness sakes.
Okay so there is 10 minutes left and something better happen that is good dang it!!! God. How can she just leave again? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. What is she doing besides making me very angry???????????? I so hate her right now. I wouldn't have ever left and we would be married by now with like 2 kids and one on the way. No way would he ever get out of my sight. HA...
Five minutes... DO SOMETHING!
Really? I have to wait until like the last two seconds and I don't even get a kiss? Really? ERG. How could she not wait like he told her too? He wrote a song for you and then he ruined his broadcasting career to talk to you about it. Why on earth is she so dumb? Lord have mercy, I was literally on the edge of my seat. This show has drug me across the coals and the only thing that I get is a hug! PFFFFFFFT they were in bed together in the last one!
Anyways, enough complaining by me. The ending was good, at least you don't think so until like 2 minutes until it ends. Blondie isn't really mentioned much after he tells her to come back to him, but we all know that's not gonna happen. The dad's relationship with her is never fixed. At least Voldemort kept her hands to herself this past year. I am glad it had a happy ending but I am not pleased with the ending itself. I didn't get the closure I needed, but I did get the Rain running to her closure that I needed, guess I'ma just have to deal with it, obviously, because that's the last episode!!!!
Oh well, I am sure to find another series to rant and rave about shortly!

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